Small shoelace sheath NYT Crossword Clue

When you come across the crossword clue “Small Shoelace Sheath” and search for the answer AGLET, it highlights a small but important component of our everyday footwear. Often overlooked, the aglet serves an important purpose, combining functionality with a touch of history.

The aglet is the small plastic or metal sheath at the end of a shoelace. Its primary function is to prevent the lace from fraying, making it easier to pass it through the shoe eyelets. This simple invention turns a long piece of fabric into a practical device for securing shoes, allowing us to lace up our shoes without any hassle.

Small shoelace sheath NYT Crossword Clue

The word “aglet” comes from the Latin word aquila, meaning “eagle,” which refers to the shape of the original aglets which were made of metal and were often shaped like a bird’s head. Historically, aglets have been used for centuries, evolving from their ancient forms to the modern materials we see today. In fact, they were sometimes made with more decorative elements in older times, showcasing the craftsmanship of the shoemakers.

Answer – AGLET

In addition, aglets remind us of the importance of the little things in our lives. Just as a small aglet can make a significant difference in the usefulness of a shoelace, small acts of kindness or attention to details in other areas of life can lead to greater satisfaction and success. They symbolize how seemingly small elements can contribute to a larger whole.


Finally, when you see the crossword clue “small shoelace sheath” that leads to the answer AGLET, it invites you to appreciate the humble but essential role of these small components in our daily lives. Aglets are not just practical pieces of plastic or metal; they represent the intersection of functionality and style, showcasing the ingenuity behind even the smallest elements of design. So, the next time you tie your shoes, take a moment to appreciate aglets and the convenience they bring to your daily routine!

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