“last of” in Cooper’s book 7 Little Words Answer

In today’s puzzle for October 1, 2024, the answer to the clue “Last” in Cooper’s book is Mohican.

Let’s talk about what it means. A Mohican is a person from a Native American tribe called the Mohicans. They lived a long time ago, mostly in the area that is now the United States.

“last of” in Cooper’s book 7 Little Words Answer


The clue, “Last”, is talking about a famous book, “The Last of the Mohicans”, written by James Fenimore Cooper. This book tells a story about the last member of the Mohican tribe. It is an adventure story where brave people face dangers during times of war.

In the book, a man named Uncas is one of the main characters. He is a Mohican warrior and is very brave. The title, “The Last of the Mohicans”, talks about how Uncas is one of the last members of his tribe. That is why the answer to the clue is Mohican.

So, when you see the “final” clue in Cooper’s book, it points to the Mohican tribe from this story. And that’s how you solve this clue for today’s 7 Little Words puzzle!

Solving these puzzles is a lot of fun because you get to learn new things and use the clues to figure out the answer. Plus, the words are broken down into smaller groups of letters, making them easier to put together. Each answer is always 7 letters long

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